Fabulous, Fabulous, Fabulous!

New Love..New Life..New Family
Amorah Monique
Mateo Armand
What's the haps?
It's All About Me
What's the haps?

Welcome to my world.  Here you will find updates as to what's going on in my life.  I hope to update often.

Well, my little man is almost 3. It's hard to believe the years just keep slipping away. I only hope that he can be a better man than his dad. He has a great personality and just loves life. How could I possibly not love him? And then there is my pretty princess, Amorah. My darling little girl that is my world. I only hope I can help her become the kind of woman she can be proud of. I adore her, even though she acts just like her dad sometimes.
So much has happened since I last wrote. I no longer work at Reconex. Oh well, their loss. I work at the phone company in Molalla and they are awesome! I love the people and I just love the environment. Great benefits too.
My nephew got into some pretty serious trouble, but in all of it there is a girl who I used to hang out with. She is the devil! She keeps trying to stir stuff up, when she isn't even involved. Finally got a stalking order on her, but it only took 10 calls to the police. And I'm being totally literal! Hopefully, she'll finally leave my family alone.
Hopefully next time things will look a little better.

As of April 20, 2007, Matthew Russell Terrill of Springfield, MO, is my son, Mateo's dad. As with my daughter I knew he was the dad, but the state mandates paternity tests when they parents are not married and the father not present at birth. Anyway, what's been going on since I last wrote? I found my long lost friend, Jennie Hoagland, Yeah!! My sweet, sweet Elsie. She who helped me through the mundane days of high school drama class!! I will be doing the naughty school girls Bar Fly Bus Crawl on June 30, and I'm dragging her along. You can see some pics in Fabulous Friends of the fun we had when we were Naughty Girl Scouts.
Let's see, I hadn't talked to Chad for 6 months when I finally heard from him on Friday. He said his mom hates me more since she thinks I was trying to trap him. Yeah, ok. She's a hag anyway, she hasn't even made an attempt to see her granddaughter because she hates me so much..Oh Well her loss! His dad, step-mom and two little sisters are my second family and so very fabulous! They have been great at not only welcoming me and Amorah in, but my son Mateo as well. Kevin, Chad's dad, even lets him call him Grandpa Kevin. It's so cute. Mateo just loves going over there, and he calls Lauren (Chad's little sis) mine. Amorah just lights up when she sees all of them. Good times.
Went to my friend, Scherlie-Girl's Bachelorette Party at the beach. That was super fun. We got her good and drunk, and hung over. We had loads of fun!
But now to the bad news, a friend of the family, Jacob Taylor, has a four-year old son names Braden, he died yesterday from Brain Cancer. He's in God's hands now. I can only look at it that God needed him more up there. I only hope I never have to go through that kind of pain and my prayers are with him and his family.
On a lighter note...It's a sunshine day! Smile:-)

It's official Chad is Amorah's dad. I knew it because I wasn't with anyone else and she looks just like him, but for legal purposes it needed to be done. I just got the news today, now if only Mateo's dad's test would come back and then maybe I can get through those issues. At least with the finality of it maybe Chad will finally come to terms with it. Cross your fingers. Amorah will be one in just three days! Man, how time flies! My little princess is walking around with a few steps here and there, but I know soon she'll be running around with the big kids. Her bright blue eyes shine like the stars in the sky. She has her mommy's full pouty lips. She's going to be so tall, already 26 1/2 inches so close to her brother who is 32 1/2 inches. Mateo just loves watching tv if it's anything with baseball or football. He loves playing with anything that'sa ball and he's definitely his papa's little man, but definitely my little snuggle bear.
I'm one level away from being picked for a new reality show that is just like "The Biggest Loser." Hopefully I'll lose the rest of the baby weight and get back to my former fabulousness.Cross your fingers.
Take care and until next time-keep smiling!!

Well, it's a new year and yes I have resolutions like everyone else. I hope to be a fabulous mom for my kids, especially when they start asking about their daddies. Mateo has started calling every man daddy, he knows everyone else is calling someone daddy, so he wants to too. It's rather sad. Amorah is starting to mimick her brother because just last weekend she said, "dada." She's been saying mama for a little over a month. She's trying to say, "I love you." But all that comes out is 'love', but it's still sweet.
In one week, so on the 9th, Amorah will be 11 months old and Mateo will be 28 months old. I'm planning a princess fairytale birthday party for Amorah, but for the little boys that will be at her party there will be prince types stuff for them.
I love their daycare. They have such great workers and they get arts and crafts and are teaching them so much.
Amorah's daddy hasn't called since the last time I made and entry in here. I've talked to his step mom, apparently he hasn't talked to his dad in more that 2 years, so there ya go. I took Amorah to the paternity test and his was rescheduled for Feb. 9, because he apparently didn't get the paperwork. Mateo's dad failed to show up for the 4th time, so Missouri has given him another chance. ON 1/27/07, they scheduled another test, but I don't know if he made it or not. The case worker said she has a call in to find it if he went or not. So, I guess we'll see. She said if he didn't he either goes to jail or they just issue the order to just start taking the money. It's not even about the money. I just wish these men would have balls to call, send a card. Granted both children weren't prime circumstances and in fact were both birth control babies, but what guys never understand is they can so easily walk away, esecially if they don't see their child. Once you see them, hold them, hear them say your name, things change--you'd do anything for them. I only wish I could spare them the pain I will have to inevitably have to subject them to when they ask why their daddies are not around. I only pray God can grant me the strength and the right words.
I applied for a weight loss show and my application made it, but I didn't get to make a video for it; which sucked because it would've been cool to do something like that and look good again. I don't feel like myself anymore, but I'm working out a little on my gazelle. I'm gonna start this new diet I found online. I'm supposed to lose 40 pounds a month. I need to get back to my former hotness so I can feel good about myself again.
I'm trying to write a romance novel, but I'm waiting until my new computer comes so I can just write away. Maybe I can get it published and become a well known writer. Yeah.. that's what I'll do. It's so hard trying to remember who I was, who I wanted to be, and if I really still want to be that person or if I want something new. Here's to finding myself. :-)

Let's see what's been going on. I heard from Amorah's dad right after I posted, he wanted DHS' number because he wanted to stay in contact with them so they didn't throw him in jail. Well good for him. Here it is two years later and Mateo's dad has an arrest warrant being issued for him for failing to do what he was supposed to. Dumba$$. Should've just followed through. He's just delaying the inevitable. Now Matt has to pay all of the back childsupport plus the monthly amount they come up with. What I worry about the most is what if Matt finally decides he wants to see Mateo I am not going to just put him on a plane by hiself and say here ya go. Have fun. I know the kind of person Matt is and the kind of behavior he has. Drinking and drugs do not need to be anywhere near Mateo. So if he wants to see Mateo he can hop his happy ass on a plane and spend the weekend in Oregon get to know Mateo with me around. Let's see my Thyroid is off so I'm having to take a thyroid medication that's supposed to jack me up, but I'm taking a migraine medication that is an appetite suppressant that is nicknamed dopamax because it makes you feel all groggy so I feel really tired. My kids were sick all weekend with the stomack flu. To add to that I had a Math final that I couldn't finish because I had to take care of my kids so now I'm waiting to see if I can get an extension to next weekend. Oh and I've been trying to get a hold of my friend Nick who seems to have disappeared. I wish I knew what happened to him or where he went. I miss my friend.
Cross your fingers on all fronts for me.
Til next time. Keep smiling.

Well, it's been a while. Let's see. Mateo is 2 years-old as of 10/9/06. Amorah is 7 months old as of that same day. Chad has seen Amorah twice in that whole time. But hey Mateo's dad hasn't seen him at all. He hasn't called, no letter, no email, nothing. The state swears they are issuing an order and child support will be coming soon. Yeah right. Mateo is 2 for the love of God. Here's hoping. Every time I talk to Chad it reminds me how much every word that he said every thought every feeling had to be a lie. How else could I be so taken in? I mean he used to say, "If I ever get a girl pregnant whether or not I'm with her I'll be around for the baby." Yeah when it's convenient for him. He wants me to move to Eugene to make things easier on him. Yeah because it's been so easy on me!!
ON another front. We're having Mateo's party this weekend. A whole baseball themed party should be fun.
I found out I'm hypothyroid so I'm on medication for that because I haven't been able to lose weight and my motivation has been nonexistent. I'm also on medication for my migraines. So once I get everything in order hopefully I'll start to feel good about myself again. Here's hoping. Check out the new cute pics of the kids.
More family pics to come.
Until next time keep smiling.

Finally talked to Chad and he saw Amorah, but we're taking things slow right now. Not really sure how slow. I asked if I'd hear from him every month, six months whatever. He says nope we'll trade off, sometimes he'll come here and sometimes I'll go there. As long as he isn't just popping in and out of Amorah's life I'm fine with it. I just hope he really starts getting to know her. His mom still hates me and I guess doesn't want to see Amorah, but her loss.
Until next time keep smiling...I am!

Amorah was born on March 9, 2006 at 3:38 P.M. She weighed a whopping 9 pounds and was 21 inches long. Her daddy, Chad wasn't there and as of today he has still yet to see her. I'm hoping he will be the man Mateo's dad wasn't. I really want him and Amorah to have a relationship, but if not, it's his loss.
I turned 29 on April 14. Wow! Time really starts catching up with you when you have kids.
 I joined a softball league and can't wait for it to start. It's will be a great way to relieve stress.
Mateo is now 18 months and getting so big.
I've reformatted the pages so you'll notice new pictures and old ones are gone.
Till next time-Smile:-) It takes up time in between disasters!

Well, I'm now on maternity leave. I'm due any day now. Haven't heard from Chad in almost 2 months. I have everything I need. Went to Chad's dads house on the 17th. It was great seeing all of them: Layne, Lauren, Val & Kevin. I missed them so much. At least if Amorah doesn't have her daddy she'll have his family. Will keep you all informed. Til next time...keep smiling!!!

Just 2 short weeks to go, and then Amorah will join the world. Unless, she decides to be late like her brother. God, I hope not! I am already so uncomfortable. I feel like I'm holding a bowling ball in between my legs. So tired, makes it hard to run around after a 16 month old. Whew! I had a doctor's appt yesterday and my midwife says I may be dialated to 1. But she still thinks around another week or two. I'll be delivering in the hospital in Oregon City, just down the street from my apartment. I haven't heard from Chad in like a month and a half. Last time he emailed me he said he was trying to figure things out. I hope he speeds it up! Mateo is adorably fabulous. He talks more everyday. My sister finds it amusing in making him say 'shit.' However, I do not. So I need to unteach him that. Other than that, just playing the waiting game until Amorah is born. Soon, I hope!!!

Congratulations Erin...Goddess~E. You will soon have your very own child and well and truly understand what it's like to love someone so completely. Enjoy all of it!!
Okay so the new haps on my pregnancy. Amorah is doing fine. I am NOT having twins...whew! I do NOT have gestational diabetes, and there is no increase in amniotic flluid, and my due date is still the first week of March. So basically they said she was probably just in an awkward position so she measured bigger because I'm measuring right on now. Anyway, just 4 short weeks to go. Thanks to JacQuelin Arndt for throwing me the baby shower. And Thanks to everyone who showed up at the baby shower. Also the diaper contest was awesome. I ended up with 12 extra packs of diapers, and Kim Schneider won a $25 gift card to Pier 1, for being one of those people. I got some great gifts:
Aunt Cheryl-Pooh outfit, first piggy bank, diapers and wipes
Mom-Precious Moments Bassinet
Tracie Flores and girls-Several very cute outfits.
Kim Schneider-Ducky trash bag distributor, bottles, photo album, diapers.
Heather De La Cruz-6 piece outfit, diapers, wipes
Elizabeth Beal-Fleece buttefly blanket
Jennifer Sikes & Anne Lynch-Crib blanket and bumper set with flowers and butterflies
Kristen Nebeker-glow worm, and pack of bottles and binky,
Serenity Forsythe-outfit
Angie Moon-outfit
Erin lynch-blanket, outift, toy
JacQuelin Arndt-740 baby wipes, a fabulous bath tub
Betty McClure-adorable little dress and socks
Sheryl Heston-giraffe rattle and Baby Einstein dvd
Deb Haas-2 cute pink outfits
Jessica Gissel-6 piece outfit
Jennifer Loewen-The first purple outfit...yeah! All the rest have been pink.
Thanks so much. If I forgot someone or something let me know.
Will keep you posted as I progress.
Til next time, keep smiling!!

1/13/06 Happy New Year!
Friday, the 13th:
Well, new highlights about my pregnancy. I went for my regular check-up on January 5, and my doctor said I'm measuring big, so they scheduled another ultrasound for January 19. What the deal is with that, is you have something called a 'fundus height' where they measure from the pelvic to the top of your belly, and those centimeters should equal the weeks you are. One month ago I was measuring right on. Then all of the sudden, 2 weeks ago I was measuring 4 centimeters bigger; which would suggest I was four weeks further along, but that's been ruled out, my due date is still the same. So here's what it could be: Fibroid Uterine (essentially cysts in the womb), a large amount of amniotic fluid, twins (heaven help me!) or I'm just carrying a very big baby. I'll let you know when I know more. Cross your fingers for me that it's nothing bad. Til next time, keep smiling!!!

Happy Birthday, Uncle Raul! Today I added a new page. It's titled Amorah Monique for my new miracle. Will update more as it gets closer. Stay posted.

Well, first off I want to congratulate my brother Jose and his new wife Teresa. They were married in a small court ceremony on November 18, 2005. I would like to give props to them for sticking it out, when the negativity was at its worst. I would like like to diss his ex-wife Jamie, who is so jealous that she convinced their 9 year-old daughter to lie and say she was being abused. Luckily, the authorities saw the truth, and Jamie admitted it. WHAT A HAG!!! But hey everything you do comes back ten full, and Jamie I hope you get what's coming to you. Don't mess with one bean you get the whole burrito. So hag...U SUCK! Putting your daughter in the middle of your bullshit drama because you know you lost a good thing. Uh, you were the one that cheated. Not once, but twice, but 5 times and my brother took you back. You never deserved him and I hope you stay miserable.

Hmmm....What's new? Well let's see. I'M HAVING A GIRL, I'M HAVING A GIRL!!!!!Get ready to welcome Amorah Monique Nolan or Amorah Monique De La Cruz into this world. She is due March 6. But we all know how great due dates are. I haven't heard from her daddy other than an email a couple weeks ago, it was just asking how I was and asked how things were. I'm been talking with his step-mom Val, whom I love and can't believe his two sisters have grown up so much. I always adored them. Too bad you can't keep the family when you break up with someone. Anyway, it's my last week of class for my Principles of Management at Devry University. Finals....UGH! Next week I start Customer Relations. About 9 more months and I'll have my degree in Small business management and entrepreneurship. God, I can't wait! It seems like forever since I started school. Ultimately, I want to open a skate shop in my hometown of Molalla. I've worked with the city and created a non-profit organization to get a skate park made, since 1997. I figured why not put my knowledge and skate contacts to good use...Right? Yeah I know you agree with me. Besides, I want to leave a legacy to my children. Anyway, I'm researching potential grants and proposals. I'm also working 40 hours a week at my job with the alternative phone company in Hubbard. The sad thing is my son Mateo is at the sitters for 9-10 hours a day so I only get to see him 4-5 hours a day before he falls asleep. At least there's the weekends. But now I have another child to think about. Here's hoping that all of my dreams and theirs come true!
Til next time, 'Keep smiling.' SWAK***********

Happy Birthday Jackie and my brother Benito! Both are celebrating birthday's today.
So, I haven't written in a couple months and here's what's new. I'm pregnant with my X's child; which is due March 6, the day after Chad's birthday. I find out October 19th what the sex is. October 9th Mateo turned 1, and this weekend I will be throwing him his party. I got him a little robot, that teaches letters, numbers and shapes. He really likes it.
I had to get a gate for the stairs at our place because he loves making a game out of running up the stairs. He walks all over the place and has been for a couple months now. He says, "mama, dada, papa, nana, baba (for bottle), cocka, uh oh, several other words, but he says those mostly, and my dad is teaching him some mexican. He's a very well developed child.
Anyway, here's till next time and remember, "Keep smiling!"

So hmm, what's new? For those of you I don't talk to on a regular basis, I'm pregnant again. Apparently me and birth control don't mix. Ironic how after 7 years of not seeing my ex he slams into town for a year and in the next moment gets me pregnant. Funny, cuz when we were together we got pregnant twice, but I miscarried. I guess, it wasn't meant to happen then. I am 10 weeks along and after this one I'm getting my tubes tied. I'll be 29 by then and have fulfilled one of my dreams of having 2 kids by the time I was 30. Also, by then I'll have my bachelors in Business Administration and hope to open a skate shop called Bustin' Out: Bladez & Boards. I haven't heard from Chad in a little over a month and the last call he said he wanted to keep the baby for himself, and swore he wouldn't be a piece of shit, like my son's dad. I'm not saying Matt is really a piece of shit, but he could at least call to see how Mateo is doing. Anyway, child support is still going after him, so we'll see what happens next--until next time keep smiling and enjoying life!!

Mateo is getting so big! He had to have his 9 month shots yesterday. I hate that part. Only 7 more months and I get my degree is Business Administration. I'm working hard. Mateo took 3 steps yesterday all on his own. He's in such a hurry to get going. Anyway, will update more later.


Check out the new pics on 'Fabulous friends' of the Bad Girl Girl Scouts Bus Crawl.

Another month has gone by. Still working on the skate competition. Mateo is nearly 8 months old. He's crawling and trying so hard to make himself walk. He pulls himself up in furniture and stands up. He said "Dada." Great! Considering his dad is not around. I'm still going to school at Devry and still trying to get everything for my own business done. Well, will get back at ya, another time. Keep smiling!

Another month has gone by. Mateo is 6 months and 3 weeks old. He crawls now and grabs the couch to pull himself up to stand. He can't do that for very long though. I met someone online via www.hotornot.com. His name is Shane and he's super hot, but, bummer, he's in Canada. The plus side is he's only 5 1/2 hours from me, so all I can say is ROADTRIP! He's super sweet. I just hope he's everything he portrays. Anyway, still trying to go through all of the child support snags. It was pending for 5 months. Now it finally is establishing. I wonder how much longer that's going to take. I'm on hot or not at http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=BRKRE8A&key=NAQ. So click on and rate me. You better give me a 10! HAHA! Just kidding. Still going to Devry. Hoping to graduate in the next 8 months. I really want to open my own business. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, will stay in touch. Until next time keep smiling!

Check out the new pics of Mateo on the Mateo Armand De La Cruz page. He's getting so big. And I feel so old.

Wow, it's been forever since I updated so I guess I should probably give you all the low down. I'm attending Devry University online to get a degree in small business management and entrepreneurship. I want to open my own Hotel with different theme rooms, but also a skate magazine. Not sure which one will win, maybe both. I still hang out with my X Chad, it's cool. But he has his asshole moments, I guess. But so do we all. I went out last weekend and got so drunk I had to be carried to the designated driver car. I woke up so hung over.
Mateo, my son, is getting super big. He'll be five months in 6 short days. He rolled all the way over from front to back and vice versa. I can't wait until he sits up by himself, then crawls, then walks. My little man, the only real man I will every need in my life.
I gotta say sometimes it gets lonely on this side. And sometimes I almost wish I had somebody, anybody, just to have someone. But I have to keep telling myself I want someone for all of the right reasons and none of the wrong. I have a son to worry about now, they'll be just as much a part of his life as my own.
Let's see what else? OH, I'm still involved with the skate park in Molalla. We're having a skate competition July 2, 2005 @ 2pm. I'm getting loads of great prizes from all sorts of companies. You should all come check it out. At least it's super fun to watch.
I haven't heard from Mateo's dad since I was 6 months pregnant, but Erin talked to him when Mateo was born and told him all about him. Some friends from Missouri said he wanted me to have a paternity test, and to that I say to hell with him. When he has the balls enough to call me and ask me himself then he can pay for it.
I want to look super fabulous for summer so I'm starting a new diet and excercise regimen. I have some new diet pills that guarantee results, plus, I'm going to eat more veggies. It's gonna be difficult! And I'm gonna work out more. I have an erotic dancing DVD that I'm going to start doing, plus I have my Tae Bo. I'll be waking up an hour early to get energized. I WILL look smookin' hot in time for a bikini and for men to start chasing me!!!
Anyway, Erin thanks for reminding me I needed to update. Keep smiling and loving and until next time. Check out the new pics on the Mateo page and Fabulous friends.YOU ARE ALL FABULOUS!!!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone is all and well. I finally went out. It's been mor than four months and about a year since I drank. I went out New Year's Eve with my friend's Chad and Cory. We went to a chinease restaurant and lounge called Leong's. They played in a dart tournament. Chad placed first. I drank Malibu and pineapple juice. Mateo is getting bigger everyday. He'll be 3 months old in four days. I feel old. He holds his head up. smiles and laughs out loud. It's a shame Matt (his daddy) hasn't tried to get a hold of us. I went to Missouri and made myself available just in case he wanted to see his son, but to no avail. I don't care, but I know someday Mateo will, but that will be Matt's loss. Mateo will be able to see that when he gets older. I passed both my classes at Devry last session with a B in both classes. I'm now taking small business management and entrepreneurship and hope i'm just as lucky in that class. Anyway, keep smiling all, I'll try to keep this updated as much as I can. Keep an eye out for new pics. Lots of love.

It's been a great year. I've had a lot of changes in my life. I had Mateo and I have started back at my old job in Hubbard. I work at 1-800-Reconex. Mateo is getting so big he's already 13.25 pounds. On Jan. 9, 2005 he'll be 3 months old. I started taking classes online at Devry University and have really enjoyed it. I'm trying to get my Bachelors in Business Administration so I can open my own magazine. I see my friend Erin (Goddess) every now and again, but haven't really went out yet. I haven't drank since Jan. 31, 2004 so I just know I'll be on my ass with one drink. I'm planning on shaking my groove thang in January sometime just to give me a break. My ex-fiance Chad and I have been hanging out and talking. It's been good to talk it's helped me to resolve some things. Other than that montage of experiences nothing else. I still hope to work with the skate park to have a skate competition this year, but here's hoping nothing changes that. Well, till next time, keep smiling! Lots of love and laughs.

Well, I finally had my baby. He was born October 9, 2004 at 1:07 p.m. He weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 20 inches long. I added a picture to the Mateo page. Yes, Mateo. His full name is Mateo Armand De La Cruz. He is just adorable. He has some darker features, but they are lightening up. With the way my family is he could end up looking Irish, like my mom. Will keep ya all posted. Till next time keep smiling.

Well, my due date of 9/24/04 has passed, but my doctor says it can be any day. So, I'm walking and just trying to have the baby. It seems like I've been pregnant for years. UGGGHHHH! I can't wait til I have the baby. I'm so nervous. My Goddess, Erin Lynch will be one of my coaches as well as my mom and my sister-in-law Heather. I keep changing the name for him because nothing seems right. All I can say is that when I finally have him, the name will be perfect. Here are some I'm leaning towards. Let me know what you think.
  • Sebastian-"revered one"
  • Mateo-"devoted to God"
  • Alek-"protector of mankind"
  • Armando-"God's army"
  • Zane-"God's grace,"
  • Zander/Xander-"protector of mankind"
So, send an e-mail on the "Hit Me Up" page and let me know. I want the name to be just right. Also, I posted a picture on the all about me page that is me in my ninth month of pregnancy. I feel huge. I'm hoping to go visit friends in Missouri Dec. 1, but we'll see how that goes. Til we talk again, keep loving and laughing!

I know it's been awhile. So, here's all the new happenings. I had a baby shower here in Oregon on 8/15/04. It was great lots of people showed up and the baby got lots of great stuff. I haven't talked to the daddy in quite a few months so I think he's decided to forgo fatherhood. Anyway, in lieu of that I have decided on changing the name from Brady Russell to Jaren Alan and giving him my last name of De La Cruz. I'm now 34 weeks; which is essentially 8 1/2 months a long. One of my presents at the baby shower was a digital camera so I will be able to upload pics of him after he's born. I haven't really been doing much. I go out once a week to be DD to a couple of friends. I went rafting a couple weekends ago, but it wasn't rough it was so relaxing. I finally got stretch marks on my belly and I had been lotioning myself since I was 5 weeks...DAMN!  Anyway, my little man is supposed to make his appearance on Sept. 24. But we all know how well due dates work. Anyway till next time, keep laughing and loving.

You will see some additions to my Website. I have added a page for my son Brady now growing in my belly. Also, Missouri Superstars has new pics that has some pictures of my friends in Missouri. I am in Missouri for four more days then I'll be back in Oregon by the end of the week. Hope to see you all when  I return. Till then, keep smiling.

So, I am now a little over 13 weeks pregnant. I find out April 26 whether I am having a boy or girl. And for all of my P-Town peeps I'll be back in town May 2. I may not be able to party like before, but you know me...I am the youth gone wild!I look forward to seeing all of you and hope I will see you all when I get in. My 27th birthday is in 13 days, damn, I'm getting old. But I guess I am only as old as I feel...And as always I feel FABULOUS! Lots of love and laughs till then.

I'm pregnant. I am 10 weeks and 3 days along. I'm due 10/1/04 I find out in about 3-4 weeks what the sex of the baby is. I am actually very excited. I just wish the daddy-to-be could be excited to. But hey I/m a big girl I can take care of myself if necessary. But sometimes I feel a little lonely without the dad on my side. He dosesn't talk about it or ask questions. I guess it's best if I just leave him be and let him ask the questions. If it's a girl I'm naming her Amorah Monuique, a boy Brady Russell. I may be home in April to visit the family, but not sure how things will go. Till then keep smiling for me.

It's a new year and a new time to fly. I think, I'm going to plan on coming home to visit the last week of March. I'm not for sure yet. I dated a guy named Travis for about a week and then he turned all obsessive. So, that went to hell. I'm going to apply to 417 Magazine for a freelance writer position. We'll see how that goes. I miss everyone all my nieces and nephews are growing up so big. I won a lap top computer and a digital camera--Sweet huh!?Well, lots of love and laughs to al hope to see ya soon.

Tomorrow is my younger sister Jenita's birthday-the big 24. Happy B-day Ja! I'm still in Missouri and having loads of fun. There are so many clubs I just can't get enough. But granted sometimes I just want to sit back and relax. I miss everyone and hope I'll see you when I come up for a visit in December. I'll be starting school at Ozark Technical Community College in January, or at least I should if all goes well. Nothing else too exciting living life and maybe someday that someone special will drop in my lap.

Yesterday, was my brother Benito's 22nd birthday. Happy birthday B! Well, as of the previous message I decided Oregon just didn't suit me anymore. I went home for a few weeks and decided to move back to Springfield, Missouri. I got my job back at MCI. Me and my friend Nick decided friends was best--some of you know the reasons behind it others don't, but it's best left at that. Since we have decided that things have been less tense. I am so much happier and so is he. I am glad. I probably won't be back in Oregon again until Christmas, but who knows, things can change at the drop of a hat. I'll be going to Ozark Technical College here in the Spring. I have to figure out what I need to take with them. I hang out with friends from work, Jessica and Kim. We have lots of fun. Partying like in P-Town. I still miss everyone in Oregon,but I needed to find a new place where I belonged. Oregon lost it's appeal after the whole Salena, Chad fiasco. After all he's married to Kim Shibles now. Oh, well there's no accounting for taste. I'm happy here, now if only if I could finds the man of my dreams...Here's to my wishes coming true. Keep in touch all.

Well, my life in the Midwest will be coming to a close. I leave back for Oregon on Sept. 1. In a way, I'm glad I'm going back to everything I know, but on a different side of the same coin I am sad.
I came out here hoping to find what I was looking for. I don't think I did. I got great experience and met a lot of great people and even kept in touch with my friend Nick, but I still feel really lost. I sit here at my desk at the News-Leader and wonder if this is the right path for meDon't get me wrong, I love to write, but I feel like there is something morebut what?
I just feel tired. Tired of everything and nothing at the same time. Is it all worth it? I don't know.
Well, at least I have a whole year to think on it. I get a one-year vacation from school, maybe I'll write that great American novel or at the very least a little bit of romance for women who have none in their lives.
Well, see ya all soon. Keep Smilin'.

I am in the Midwest and lovin' life. I work at the Springfield News Leader and I have a part-time job at MCI. Will keep ya all posted as I have more time.

I am so counting the days until I leave-26 days. I got an apartment, it's $310 a month and is fully furnished. I can't believe it. It seems just too good to be true. I can go to Cardinals games, if the mood strikes me or bust out in Branson. So much to do I'm being pulled in every direction. Not to mention, Fall Term, when I come back I will be Senior Designer on the Emerald staff. No more 'Saying it Loud' I'll be too busy showing people what I can do. I miss my Portland peeps, hope everyone is livin' it up. I'll be in a different apartment next year. Maybe the people who haven't came will finally come and visit. Til I see ya again-livin' la vida loca!

I rock! I got an internship and I am so excited. June 14, 2003, I leave for Springfield, Missouri. I will be interning with The Springfield News-Leader for the whole summer. I can't wait! I will be living about 5 hours from my friend Nick. My apartment is only going to run me, max, $300 a month. WOW! My parents are sad, but I'll be back, for school in the fall, but I hope everyone will have fun with me before I leave. Til then livin' la vida loca!

April 21, 2003
I'm getting old. On April 14th I turned 26. Happy birthday to Anne, even though I missed the hubub for ya girl. Anyway, went to Missouri and interviewed with MissouriLife, what fun. It's in a little town called Fayette and the people were so nice. They are willing to help furnish my apartment while I am there. Sweet huh?! It was so great seeing my friend Nick. We went to Harrah's casino in St. Louis and he took me out to Casa Gallardo's for my birthday. We stayed at the same hotel Nelly was at. I didn't get to see him get hot in there. Cross your fingers for me and hope I get the internship. It would be from the 3rd week of June to the 2nd week of September. I was so sad when I left back to Oregon yesterday. I did't feel better until Nick called me to tell me everything would be fine. He's such a great friend. He's one of those people that isn't a passing memory. He is the person that will always hold a special place in my heart. He's taught me I am worth so much more than I give myself credit for--and he's a hottie tottie; which helps. Just kidding, his intellect and conversation skills are beyond most guys. Here's to more guys out there that enjoy friendly conversation and end up more than friends. Here's to smiling.

March 24, 2003
Well, Goddess came up for the weekend and we had a blast, as always when we get together. I am going to Missouri April 16th to meet with a publication and to see my friend Nick. Also, working hard. Check out the news pics on 'fabulous friends' and the new page U of  O-Welcome to University Life. Enjoy!

March 22, 2003
I know I am quite the slacker. So, here's the new news: I work at a call center GM vehicles. It's like 5 minutes from my apartment and pays way more than my last job. I'll be Assistant Editorial Editor, next term and my brother Jose started his own business; De La Cruz Detail & Power Wash. I do marketing and advertising for him.
And a word of advice don't ever finance with Triad Financial, they suck! Of course that is my own personal opinion based on my expereinces with them. Lost payments and such.
Anyway, my birthday is coming up and I know everyone is dying to know what I want, so I registered at Wal-Mart for some great girlie stuff. Oh, and don't forget Anne's is coming up too. No Tequilla for you, girl!
I asked my parents for a plane ticket to go to Missouri to visit my friend Nick. Here's hoping.
Oh, and my little hottie brother Timateo was in a car accident and totaled his car and his ankle. Pray he gets well in time for the July skate comp.
I am still waiting on some information on internships in Missouri, cross your fingers.
Lots of love all and still say it loud, for me.

February 6, 2003
Wow! A whole month since I let everyone know what was going on. I suck! Anyway, for those that don't know I quit my job at the answering service because $6.50 an hour just wasn't cutting it, but I guess no money is worse, but I"m looking. I'm going to apply for Varsity Softball Coach. That would be SWEET! I finally got a response from St. Louis Post Dispatch--POSITION FILLED. The St. Louis Public Defender Magazine called me yesterday and asked me to send photos and feature stories I've done. Cross your fingers for me. They sounded excited that I had contacted them. Will be in town March 1 for the Goddess' and J-Lo's birthday, but hey people remember Salena De La 'Ghetto Booty's' birthday is coming up April 14. I also applied for a workshop to go to Tennessee in May with AP reporters. Gabie, Gabie, Gabie I'm still laughing girl, sorry! Landon you don't deserve Erin and I hope she slaps you twice as hard next time you mess with her. I'm working on the skate competition for July 5. No matter where I'm at I will fly back to town for the skate comp. I hate ANTS. Everywhere in Eugene and Springfield has them. I have a perma can of RAID and if I see one more I'm gong to go postal. Hey all it's getting boring out here. Write me. Til then I'm still saying it loud.

January 5, 2003
Welcome to the New Year! I start classes tomorrow; Economics, Visual Communication, Spanish 102. Still waiting to hear from St. Louis Post Dispatch and the Public Defender Magazine for Internships. I applied for others, but I can't remember what they were. I suppose I'll remember when I get responses. Well, I just wanted to say to Gabie, hope Cory pulls his head out of his ass and realizes what he can loose,this year. To Erin, I hope Landon realizes what a good thing he's got. To Nick, reach for the stars. And to everyone else I hope this new year gives you all what you are looking for. Lots of love.

December 29, 2002
Well, had Christmas at the familia in Molalla. Oh, what fun. I hate my job, it's so depressing. It's hard going back to minimum wage after working for so much more. I'm worth more, damn it! Looking at a couple other opportunities. Cross your fingers for me. I go back to school the 7th of January. I think. I'm trying not to slack, but if I do let me know. I'm waiting for answers for internships in New York and Missouri. At $400 a week who wouldn't  want it. Anyway. If I don't get one of those I'll be back home for the Summer. Maybe Reconex will hire me back. **Hint**Hint**. Lots of love to my peeps. Oh and January 1st is my mom's birthday. Wish her a happy one.

December 14, 2002
Well, my first term at U of O is officially over. I took my last final yesterday. I know I aced it. I applied for a position as Campus Dispatcher for Public Safety. It pays about $1,000 more a month then what I make now. Cross your fingers. Check out my little hottie brother. I added pics. Quit drooling, Jess. Congratulations to Tim Bell and Angie Daschel, today they take the plunge into holy matrimony. I stepped down as Editorial Editor, it was more work than the pay allowed and  I need more money to live on. I've applied  for seven internships. There are  2 in New York and 5 in St. Louis, MO. The Missouri ones are close to my friend Nick so I could visit him over the Summer. We'll see what happens. Oh, check out www.mydjconnection.com for Nick's stories. He writes  News for  the Daily Journal.Drop me a line and I'll try to be less of a slacker.

November 07, 2002
I know I've been slacking. But I've been really busy. My math teacher hates me I think. She said there are only 9 people passing in our class of 30 and who ever wasn't had to do good on the next mid-term or don't even bother coming to class. AAAAHAHAHHAH! Anyone know how to do algabraic equations? Well, 8 more days until the party. I know you are all very excited. I can't wait for my P-Town peeps to meet the people out here. Anne, I know you're ready to shake it. Jazz, I know you're ready to spank it. Jen, I know you're ready to bite it and Erin I know you're ready to drink it. Bring cameras and your fabulousness cuz it will rock. We have to give the Eugenians something to talk about for weeks. My apartment is small so beware, but you can bring me something to spice it up. Hee, Hee!
Can't wait. Will see ya soon.

October 23, 2002
Nothing too exciting. I'm going to visit my parents in Molalla this weekend. You should all check out my column on www.dailyemerald.com to see what I have to say about the rights of "unborn children" and see the uproar it will cause. It will be published 10/25/02. You know Hell hath no fury like a Feminist's wrath. This weekend I will be uploading pics of my little brother Timateo--he had senior photos. Such a cutie, he takes after me. My friend Nick from Missouri e-mailed me. I was so excited. I hadn't talked to him in awhile. But after being so used to talking to someone everyday and changing to maybe once a month, it's hard. I'm having a party November 15, where my old friends and new will unite. Log onto www.evite.com for more info. It's called "Get your freak on." We'll me moving the party to my friend Jenni's house in Springfield cause Salena's apartment will be busting at the seams. P-Town people will still meet at my apartment but everybody else from up here will meet there. I'll add the new address and directions soon. Still hate Math and I have a Mid-Term Friday. Shoot me now. Anyway, hit me up on the flip side my peeps. Hey also add yourself to the Oregon Daily Emerald Insider then you can get updates about my paper and what we're writing about. Lots of love. Never forget live life to the fullest and laugh it keeps you strong.

October 20, 2002
The anticipation of the party is coming. I know you just can't wait. Math still sucks. I went to Kokomos this Friday danced the night away. You know I know how to shake my ghetto ass. NO guys worthy of my attentions though. Maybe I'm getting old, because I want the "one."  I'm sick of meaningless relationships and men that have no intelligent thoughts in their head. I want a guy that wants so much more from me than ya know. Lots of love. Til next time, live life to the fullest.

October 15, 2002
Hey all keep an eye on this site. I will be adding a new page to show my little pimp of a brother Timateo's Senior Year picture. Just keepin' it real in Eugene right now. I'm having a party November 15. Hope ya all can join. We'll be rockin' and hip hoppin'.

October 10, 2002
I hate Math. I think eveyrbody does though. I hope I don't fail. I'm also taking Spanish and hope to do the Study Abroad program and try to go to Spain or Mexico next year for a few months. I'm also taking Communications History. I'm having a party Nov. 15 so all you ladies out there in P-Town can come out to drool at the Frat boys or girls whatever the case may be. Keep on eye out on www.dailyemerald.com to see if you can recognize what Editorials I write. Til next time. Live life to the fullest.

September 30, 2002
I've met the staff on The Oregon Daily Emerald, the paper I will be writing for and everyone is so great.  Not like the German-Nazi who was Editor-in-Chief of the paper I worked on last year.  I want to get some friends together for a house-warming party this weekend.  Send me and e-mail if you're interested I don't want to do an evite if noone is going to come.  The really important people keep and eye on my Website so they'll know about it...Love ya Goddess.  Went to a party at one of our editor's houses last night.  It was lots of fun we played a beer card game.  Salena didn't flash anyone isn't that great?  He, he!  I was dared to kiss someone though.  Didn't do that either.  Wow, am I loosing my divaness?  Hmm!?  Anyway, I added some pics to fabulous friends of Jennifer Sike's party.  I heard about the skinnydipping people.  Looks like J-Lo and Jaz are holding up my end now.  Lots of love girls.  Just so all of you women can drool I live two houses down from a fraternity house.  Jen, Anne you know you want to come down here and help me get the party started.  Live life to the fullest!

September 18, 2002
I officiallly have work.  I know it took me forever.  I will be working in an answering service; which is great because it works around my school schedule and I get 40 hours a week.  Sweet!  I start working on The Emerald, U of O's school newspaper the same day my first issue as Co-Editorial Editor is due out, Sept. 23.  Check it out online at www.dailyemerald.com.  Live life to the fullest.

September 10, 2002
Well, I'm now officially a Eugene resident.  I live on campus.  I'm not working at the bar because it was just too much of a hassle.  I've put my application everywhere hoping to have a good 40 hour job, but that includes the job with the paper, The Oregon Daily Emerald.  Nothing too exciting.  My little brother Benito and his wife Heather welcomed little Hannah Diane De La Cruz into the world on September 8, at 2:28 p.m. She weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and was 19 inches long.  She is just like her big sister Maria, beautiful.  I'll keep you posted.

August 25, 2002
I came back from Missouri.  Oh God I loved it!  Oregon can't hold a candle to it.  I met my friend Nick's family and they were great to me.  They took me to the Arch in St. Louis, St. Genevieve (a historic town built in the 1700's), Hooters in Union Station, Elephant Rocks (to hike), Lamberts (home of throwed rolls).  I loved the weather.  Anyway, I'll miss my friend, but I hope to keep in touch.  Pictures will come as soon as I get a scanner (hint, hint Erin). I move to Eugene next week.  I got a job at the O-Bar; which is just opening up on Common Place.  It's right across from Autzen Stadium (Whoa!).  Until we meet again "Live life to the fullest!"

July 18, 2002
I went to Lincoln City with Nick July 15-17.  It was so great.  We went to a different hotel and got an awesome deal.  A jacuzzi suite, sooooo nice.  Change of plans.  I will still be leaving Reconex July 19th, but I will be leaving to Missouri with Nick July 29th until around August 10-12th not sure yet.  I can't wait.  I'll get to see the country and get to see Nick through the eyes of his family and Missouri. Until then I look forward to it.  On July 20th Erin Lynch (Goddess E) is throwing me a going away party beginning at 7:30 p.m. at Who Son and Larry's then off to Banana Joe's.  Join Us!
July 11, 2002
Yesterday I took Nick and his cousin Jessica to the Enchanted Forest with me.  It was so 15 years ago.  The only remotely fun part was the Haunted House.  We then went to Thrillville rode the Ripper and then went on the Bumper Boats.  Ahh, good times.  Then we went to Olive Garden, yum, I have Chicken Fettucinni Alfredo for lunch today.  I have to go pick up a birthday present for one of my friends.  Angie Daschel's (Hottie) birthday is July 21.  Nick Barron's birthday is July 15th, we'll be at Lincoln City to go gamble at the casino; maybe I'll win big.  :-)  Waiting for one more application then I should have a good few number of apartments I've applied for.  I need to get on this since I'm supposed to move by next weekend.
 July 8, 2002
12 days until my going away party.  I'm going to Eugene on Wednesday to look at some apartments. Me and Nick are going to see Men in Black II today so look for another review on the "All About Me" page.  Well, I finished the skate competition.  It went o.k., but only 10 people competed; which was fine.  We were able to give prizes to everybody who competed and some people from the crowd.  Nick leaves in about 18 days.  Everyone keeps asking me what I'm going to do without him.  I don't know.  I've gotten so used to him being around it's going to be hard to not be able to call him and say let's go to a movie or go to the beach or just hang out at the river and have milkshakes.  I've had friends move away before, but for some reason this seems so much different.  I keep preparing myself, telling myself it won't bother me, but I know it will.  Oh, well here's to the last couple weeks of fun and friendship. 
July 5, 2002
Wow, time flies when you're having fun.  A mere 15 days before I move to Eugene.  I'm either driving up there Sunday or Wednesday to check out a couple other apartments.  I have employment clinched when I move down there, but it's telemarketing so I'll get another one just in case.  Well, the skate competition I've been working on is tomorrow.  I'm not sure if I actually want to step down or just over see everything and have someone else doing all of the leg work.  It still feels like my baby after 5 years.  Nick's tentative departure date is July 26th.  I'll miss the arrogant, devilishly charming, sarcastic, funny, handsome man I've got to know and love as my friend.  We'll meet again someday, him working for Sports Illustrated and I will own my own magazine.  Hopefully, sooner than that, but Nick is like a leaf in the breeze; he goes where the wind takes him.  I wish him all the best in his future endeavors.  And damn it, he won't meet a tragic end like all the other famous writers.
June 28, 2002
I've added a new page to the site called "Say It Loud & Proud."  This page will feature opinions from myself and Nick Barron.  Check it out. Happy 50th Birthday, dad! 
June 27, 2002
It's official, I leave my job in Hubbard on July 19th and will be leaving for Eugene that weekend.  Erin Lynch, otherwise known as Goddess E will be throwing me a party on July 20th.  Go to http://www.evite.com/r?iid=PAQKGHIAKEGJRCTGBUOY&li=iq if you would like more information about the party.  Evites are so cool.  Check them out you! You can plan your own party via e-mail.  I'll miss my fellow fun, fabulous people, but I'm off to bigger and better things.  Thanks to all who helped me along the way. 
 June 26, 2002
Nothing too exciting going on.  I'm going to shack up in a hotel this weekend to relax a little.  I sent off two apartment applications to Eugene.  I also had to send in my orientation registration for the IntroDUCKtion to U of O.  I went and saw The Divine Secrets of the Yaya Sisterhood last night.  I dragged Nick with me and his cousin Jessica and her friend Kristin came with us.  It actually was a pretty good movie, kind of emotional.  Total chick flick, but drag a guy with you it gives a little in depth look into women, maybe they'll learn something.  Check out the bottom of the "It's all about me" page for the newest feature.  I offer my opinion on new movie releases and I may even re-live the oldies. 
June 24, 2002
June has gone by so fast.  It still seems I have so much to do and not enough time to do it in.  I am still looking for an apartment that I can afford.  A college student that already has a $330 car payment and other miscellaneous bills has to be careful what they add into that next.  Anyhow, Nick is staying until the end of the July like originally planned so we'll be going to the beach July 15-17.  At least there's still a few weeks to get used to the idea, but he doesn't say good-bye to people so like he says just one morning he'll wake up and decide it's time to go.  To Nick, may God be with you all the way and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.  May you always be cocky and think you're right!
June 20, 2002
The telemarketing job didn't pan out.  It's not that I couldn't do it, it was just UGH.  Anyway, went to Eugene/Springfield yesterday to look at some apartments and obviously none of those places believe in apartment managers.  Still looking.  Nick rolled with me.  After about 1/2 hour of looking around we took a blanket to a park out there and fell asleep in the sunshine.  It was so relaxing, but exhausting as well.  I'm thinking of this studio apartment, but when I went there no one answered which isn't a good sign, like Nick said, what are the chances of someone being home when I need them?  Still working on the skate competition in Molalla.  Nick was thinking of just packing up and leaving ASAP instead of waiting until the end of July like planned.  I told him I was just getting used to the idea of him leaving at the end of July.  Not that I want him to stay where he doesn't want to, but I'm going to miss the Missourian and all of the I told you so's and cocky little grin when he's right.  So, we might go to the beach sooner.  For those that don't know Nick will be going to Tulsa, Oklahoma for school.  My quest for clarity in life continues.  Oh, added a Cali pic on the vacation photo page, Erin.  Still adding more, but be patient I only have two hands and a real shitty server. 
June 17, 2002
I am officially a graduate.  WOW!  I start a telemarketing job today.  This is on top of the job I already have. But the potential of making more than $1,000 a paycheck is awesome.  I'm going to work my ass off to get mass cash my first check.  My beach plans are confirmed for July 15-17.  Nick's still going and so am I.  Got my job ready in Eugene just have to get the apartment now.  I saw Linda Vogt last week.  For those that don't know who she is, she was my Journalism Instructor for The Print the first year or so I was at CCC.  The Skate comp. I'm working on is well under way.  I hope everything turn out o.k.  Right now we just have prizes for rollerblading so we're working to remedy that. 
June 13, 2002
Tomorrow I graduate.  God, it feels great to say that.  For those that are looking for that special gift for me.  I collect angels, Wonder Woman memorabilia, and pretty much anything fabulous.  The anticipation is creeping in on me.
June 10, 2002
Well I got a job at a security company in Milwaukie.  No not the mace carrying rent-a-cop ones.  I will be telemartketing, but I'm guaranteed pay so that's all good.  Also, talked to a public safety company in Eugene and they are holding a position for me for when I move down there.  Now, to just get the aprartment thing situated.  Everything is falling into place.  Now I just hope I pass Geology.  I'm sorry I just don't love it as much as John Snively, my instructor.  Que Cera.  At least I get to take my final about sex, which by the way there is way more to know then just the whole sex thing.  Anyway, here's hoping.
June 7, 2002
We have printed the last Clackamas Print newspaper in my presence.  Yeah, no more will I be driven to insanity by a certain German girl or bitch that tried to control my job.  Thank God I won't be there next year when she's the new Editor-in-Chief, of course had I been I'd have got the EIC position because there's no way in hell I'd work under her.  AHHH.  A sigh of relief.  So, enough about that.  I've applied to like a billion jobs for customer service and sales here in Portland so I can have some extra money when I move to Eugene.  I figure I'll be moved down there by July 20th-25th.  I graduate from CCC on June 14th with an Associates Degree in Liberal Studies. On June 17, I go to Eugene to apply for jobs and find an apartment.   God, it feels great to say my life took a while to get on track, but it's finally coming together.  Let's see, HMMM.  Future plans.  July 15-17 I'll be at the beach, my awesome brother, Jose, is paying for me and Nick to go to the beach as my graduation present.  It happens to be Nick's 22nd birthday July 15th.  So, wish him a happy birthday if you see him.  Ooo.  I almost forgot on July 6 my non-profit organization, SkatePark Investors, is putting on a skate competition in Molalla.  So, if you're bored on that day come check it out.  You can also check out our website at http://skateparkinvestors.tripod.com. Oh yeah and look for me in I'd say 5 years because by then I'll be starting my own magazine and in case you haven't guessed it will be "Fabulous!"
May 30, 2002
Well, my search is on.  I am looking for a job in Eugene and an apartment.  No, I don't want a roommate.  Too much trouble.  Anyhow, if anyone knows of any good jobs out that way where I can make some good monies let me know.  Also, looking for a 1 bedroom apt.  My quest continues.
May 27, 2002 Memorial Day
Well, I've done my duties as Editorial Editor and put in my two-cents about who I thought we should hire.  We will be hiring 6 new columnists.  We as Editorial Editors will be allowed to write about one column a month.  We are also responsible for Editorials.  I don't officially start as Editorial Editor until Sept. 23, 2002.  I graduate from CCC June 14, 2002.  Yeah, finally.  It seems like it has taken forever.  However, life sometimes steers us in directions which are for the best.  We meet people and go places we would have never thought.  Thank you Nick, my buddy from Missouri, for showing me there's more to life than just what everyone else wants of me, but what I want for myself. 
May 20, 2002
I went to Eugene on May 19th and met my Co-Editorial Editor Pat and interviewed some of the applicants for columnists.  Things are looking great.  Just have to get the apartment set up and a job and I'm ready to roll.
May 17, 2002
I will be in Eugene on May 19 to do the first set of interviews for columnists.  Myself and the other Editorial Editor have to choose 6.  I can't wait.
May 15, 2002
On May 12th I went to the Emerald for my interview.  Got lost and had to call them and be directed back.  Anyway, Mike Kleckner, the Editor-in-Chief for next year said they'd call me Tuesday to give me an answer, well, I'm happy to say 1/2 hour after getting home he called me and said I got the Editorial Editor position.  It's a paid position and I will be sharing the position with someone else because, according to Mike, we both have great skills that compliment each other.  Anyway, we get to do the hiring of 6 columnists.  Yeah.  What the F*&@, I'm now officially a duck!
May 10, 2002
Well, I got a response from The Oregon Daily Emerald, which is the award-winning paper at the University of Oregon.  I have an interview scheduled for May 12 @ 2 p.m.  Cross your fingers for me.  I applied for Editorial Editor and basic columnist.  God, I love having opinions.
May 6, 2002
Go me! The Print staff went to ONPA to see if we were fabulous enough for awards.  I am happy to say I earned a second place award for Best Photography.  The Spring Break Special I worked on and designed earned a  second place standing as well.  Also, the A & E section I worked on and designed got a second place standing.  Elena Boryska, Sports Editor, won first place for her sports story on the NWAACCs.  Nick Barron got Honorable Mention in Best Writing and Second in Best Coumnist.  Liesl Muggli received first place in the Feature Photo Section for her photo of Maggie Jirasek as the new Editor-in-Chief.  Finally Chris Lundgren swooped in with a second in Best Cartooning.  You go Boy!  We are Generally Excellant with a 2nd place overall standing.
May 2, 2002
I was accepted into the University of Oregon's Pre-Journalism program and will begin school in Eugene on September 30, 2002.